von jojac | Jan. 27, 2021 | Current, Online EN
Every wednesday at 18 CET, from January 27th till march 10th on zoom. Sign up for free! Yoga4Peace is a 7-week Yoga course that aims to foster a culture of peace through yoga. The course combines the ancient wisdom of Yoga and the theory and knowledge of Peace and...
von jojac | Jan. 27, 2021 | Aktuell
Yoga4Peace ist ein 7-wöchiger Yoga-Kurs, der darauf abzielt, eine Kultur des Friedens durch Yoga zu fördern. Immer mittwochs um 18 Uhr, vom 27.01. bis zum 10.03. auf zoom. Melde dich kostenlos an! Der Kurs kombiniert die alte Weisheit des Yoga und die Theorie...
von jojac | Jan. 25, 2021 | Current, Online EN
Deep Talks is a dialogue focused event that explores topics through the lens of Peace and Conflict Studies and with the aim of improving self, society and environment. Who: Donald J. Robertson Topic: Anger: Intra- and Interpersonal When: 18:30 CET – 25...
von jojac | Jan. 25, 2021 | Aktuell, Online
Deep Talks is a dialogue focused event that explores topics through the lens of Peace and Conflict Studies and with the aim of improving self, society and environment. Who: Donald J. Robertson Topic: Anger: Intra- and Interpersonal When: 18:30 CET – 25...
von jojac | Okt. 9, 2020 | Peace Education
In october 2020, DEEP Germany conducted a Storytelling project with children and youth in a shelter in Cologne. The workshop addressed children and youngsters between 9 and 15 who like storytelling and would like to work with a camera. Through experiential learning we...
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