von MiMur | Feb. 18, 2021 | Current, Uncategorized
DEEP Talk with special guest Rachel Musson | ThoughtBox Education On Monday, february 22nd at 18:30 CET click here for free sign up Rachel Musson is a teacher, trainer, writer and thought-leader onregenerative education and wellbeing in schools.Working for 13 years as...
von MiMur | Sep. 21, 2018 | Bildung
Am Freitag dem 21. September ist der Internationale Tag des Friedens / International Day of Peace. An diesem Tag findet weltweit um 18 Uhr eine zehnminütige Meditation statt. Das Ziel ist, dass zur selben Zeit weltweit Millionen gleichgesinnter Menschen innehalten und...
von MiMur | Sep. 21, 2018 | Peace Education
On September 21st 2018, the International Day of Peace, DEEP Germany participated in a global meditation session. The goal was that at the same time millions of like-minded people worldwide pause and are aware of global solidarity; a common movement for positive...
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